Sunday, January 23, 2011

No Name-Calling Week

No Name-Calling Week begins tomorrow. This annual event since 2004, and inspired by James Howe's book The Misfits reminds us all to be active allies in our school communities. For additional resources check out these PDF's compiled by Barnes and Noble for educators and parents.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Week 4: RSS Feeds and Newsreaders

Thing #8: Learn about RSS feeds and set up your own Bloglines newsreader account.

I have been using RSS feeds (Really Simple Syndication) in several online applications and my favorite these days is Google Reader. Google Reader allows me to pick and choose a variety of online sources, e.g., blogs, wikis, news, and reference sources to preview as soon as they are available via the Internet. I still have not discovered how to keep current with my assortment of RSS feeds and often find myself skimming large quantities at odd hours of the early morning when I cannot sleep. :) I would appreciate any feedback from my fellow peers as to their methods for keeping up with this additional information treasure trove!

Thing #9: Locate a few useful library related blogs and/or news feeds.

Here is my list of useful library related, news, and/or reference RSS feeds from my Google Reader account.
Enjoy surfing!
Library Humor